Educational Diagnostician

Educational Diagnostician

Our Educational Diagnosticians are integral members of the Special Education Programming team assessing students suspected of disabilities. Assessing students' functional capabilities and/or classroom environment helps to develop strategies and interventions to address the special education needs of eligible students. Our team of Educational Diagnosticians work closely with the student’s family, school personnel and most importantly the student to evaluate situations, solve problems and establish effective relationships. We ensure compliance with federal, state and district policies and procedures.

  • Administers and scores a variety of standardized and/or supplemental assessments for the purpose of conducting evaluations and assessing proficiency of students to determine placement and/or program eligibility.
  • Compiles information from a variety of sources for the purpose of producing a comprehensive evaluation report in compliance with established guidelines.
  • Consults with teachers, parents, other personnel and/or outside professionals as appropriate for the purpose of determining students’ needs and developing plans for services, and or making recommendations.
  • Maintains confidentiality of all information for the purpose of protection of students, staff, parents, and district.
  • Prepares diagnostic reports for the purpose of developing appropriate recommendations based on test results and case history.
  • Research resources and methods for the purpose of determining the appropriate approach for addressing students’ functional goals and needs.